Angular Code Audit

Improve app performance, ensure scalability, and lower project costs by identifying code vulnerabilities early on. 

Get a detailed review and recommendations of your code from a team of Angular experts.

Secure your Angular application from code vulnerabilities

Your business relies on your product to succeed. To grow properly, you must have a well-developed code base that your team won’t get stuck fixing, adding new features to, or facing challenges they hadn’t anticipated.

Ensure team efficiency, code security, and high-quality of the product by getting an audit.

When do you need a project audit?

Project challenges are common and can be difficult to deal with. An audit will help you if:

Your project costs are rising, but the quality and speed are not improving.

Your developers tell you, "I don't want to change the code." You realize it is slowly changing to "I can't."

Adding new developers to your project is challenging and does not increase your velocity.

Your users are complaining about the same bugs over and over again.

You want to scale up and improve the application to meet changing user expectations but don’t know how to optimize it effectively and prioritize tasks.

What does Angular code audit include?

Our team of experienced Angular developers will thoroughly review your code to identify any vulnerabilities. You will receive recommendations in 4 key areas:

Code quality

A review of the overall quality of the codebase, tech stack, project configuration, additional tools, automated testing, CI/CD, and other elements to eliminate any risks of bugs or vulnerabilities. 



An assessment of the organization and structure of the Angular project to ensure you can scale up the project and the team.


Verification of how much effort is needed to introduce new requirements, how confident you can be in making a change in your system without introducing new bugs to production, and how fast it can be implemented.


A measurement and analysis of the application’s efficiency, responsiveness, and speed, identifying any bottlenecks or areas for optimization.

What will your team get?

Request an audit and your developers will get access to:

A list of places that should be improved, sorted by priority and complexity

Identified risks when it comes to long-term development

Recommendations about tools and libraries your team should use

Best Angular practices that will benefit the project


As a result, you can:

Reduce costs

Significantly reduce your product's maintenance and development costs.

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Better User Expierence

Increase the user experience by improving the app's performance, removing bugs, and making the app more user-friendly.

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Time optimization

Optimize the time spent on the development process and improve developer experience.

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Scale your product

Gain knowledge about the next steps of the development process that will allow scaling your product.

Why us?

We are a team of Angular experts who have been building applications since the early days of Angular. With 6 years of experience in Angular and 10 years in development, we have become a trusted business partner for companies of different sizes and sectors.


Our experts share knowledge with community on a blog and at meet-ups. We have won an award for Angular Hero of Education 2022 and Angular Hero of Community 2021.

We have seen and solved any problems you may have or your team might face in the future. Let us share our experience with you and provide your development team with a code review and recommendations.


Introductory meeting

We want to learn about your challenges and discover improvements you want to achieve.

Project analysis

We will examine the project architecture and product functionality and analyze the code quality.

Time optimization

You will get a detailed audit report including our recommendations regarding the audited areas.

Let your product scale up and your business grow

Get expert advice and make the development process stable, cost-effective, and enjoyable for your team. 

Fill in the form to apply for project audit.