Cookie Policy.

We use “cookies,” or other technologies that collect information about the browser you are using, to provide you with a comfortable and secure experience while using the site. We respect your privacy in this regard at any time, you can configure your cookie settings. The stored information allows us to improve our products to suit your preferences.


What are cookies?

We use so-called cookies – i.e. small text files with information used by websites that connect to the User’s browser. Cookies make it possible to identify the software a User uses and customize the Service individually for each User. The cookies we use are safe for the User’s device, in particular, this means it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to enter the User’s device. At any time, the User may block or delete cookies stored in the memory of a computer or mobile device. The method of the deletion varies depending on the Internet browser used.


Installation of cookies is necessary for:

  1. Proper provision of services by us through the Website. The cookies contain information necessary for the proper functioning of the Website;
  2. Adjusting the content of the Website to the individual preferences of the Website User, first of all, these files recognize your device in order to display the pages in accordance with your preferences;
  3. Preparation of statistics to help us learn about the preferences and behavior of Users. Analysis of these statistics is anonymous and makes it possible to adjust the content and appearance of the Website to prevailing trends; statistics are also used to assess the popularity of the Website.


The Service uses the following types of cookies

1.1. session files – these are files that are temporarily located in the memory of the browser, which remains in its memory until the end of the session (shutting down the browser);

1.2. permanent – are such files that are active in the User’s device until they are deleted by the User, which can be done by the User at any time. The User has the right to use the options offered by each browser to view, delete, restrict, and control the reception of cookies, as described below. For additional information, he or she may refer to the help or privacy/security settings of the browser being used. However, deleting cookies may affect the proper operation of the Website and its functionality;

1.3. analytical cookies – are those files that allow us to better understand how the User interacts with the content of the Service and to better organize their layout. Analytical cookies collect information about how a User uses the Service, the type of page from which a User was redirected, and the number of visits and the time of a User’s visit to the site. This information does not record specific personal data of the User but is used to develop statistics on the use of the website.

1.4. technical – necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, i.e. temporary files storing the Client’s session and enabling and improving the functioning of the Website;

1.5. external – placed by external services used by the Operator of the Website and over which he has no influence (e.g. social networks);

1.6. statistical – files that make it possible to conduct statistics on the Website;

1.7. advertising – in the case of advertising campaigns, to tailor advertising to the Client and remember its settings.


Social media and other media services

We use the following external services including social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Google, Instagram and the video portal YouTube.

When you visit our website and click on the logo of a specific servises including social media service, you will be redirected to the relevant external page of that network provider. If you click on the logo of a specific service while you are logged in with the provider at the same time, the information that you have visited our online offering may be assigned to your user account. If you are a member of an individual service and do not want networks including social networks to collect data about you via the online offering and associate it with your membership data, please log out of your account with the provider before clicking on any of these logos.

Please note that we don’t know the content of the data provided or how the providers of the aforementioned services use it. For more information on what data is obtained when calling up the above-mentioned services and how it is used, please see the individual data protection statements at:

– Google; privacy policy:,

– Facebook; privacy policy:,

– Microsoft; privacy policy:,

– LinkedIn; privacy policy:,

– Twitter; privacy policy:,

– Instagram; privacy policy:

– Youtube; privacy policy ,

– Hotjar; privacy policy:


Do cookies store personal information?

Stored information, doesn’t contain personal data through which you can be directly identified. Some of them, in conjunction with the data obtained as a result of your registration for our service, may become personal data. Accordingly, the provisions of the Privacy Policy relating to Personal Data, in particular the rights of the data subject, apply.


For what purpose do we use cookies?

Cookies are necessary for the use of a properly functioning store website, for this purpose, the information includes type and operating system, referring page, the path through the site, the domain of ISP, etc. for the purposes of understanding how visitors use our website.

You don’t have to consent to the use of essential cookies.


Deleting cookies.

By default, web browsers or other software installed on your computer or other device connected to the network allow certain types of “cookies” to be placed on your device. As part of your privacy settings, you can block or delete cookies from our online store or from our partners by making changes to your browser settings at any time that is convenient for you. The method of blocking/deleting cookies will vary depending on the web browser you use. You can find information on how to delete cookies by using the “Help” tab of your browser of choice. For example, in Internet Explorer, cookies can be modified from: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy; in Mozilla Firefox browser: Tools -> Options -> Privacy; and in Google Chrome browser: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings -> Cookies.


Below you will find links to web browsers (with information on how to modify their settings on your end devices):

  • Chrome (
  • Internet Explorer (
  • Firefox (
  • Opera (
  • Microsoft Edge (
  • Safari (


For information on how to manage cookies on your cell phone or other mobile devices, please refer to the user manual/instruction manual for your particular phone or mobile device.

Remember that storing cookies is intended to provide you with access to the correct and uninterrupted use of our website.

Deletion of cookies is not equivalent to deletion of Personal Data by the Personal Data Administrator obtained through cookies.