Angular Code-Audit

Verbessern Sie die Anwendungsleistung, stellen Sie die Skalierbarkeit sicher und senken Sie die Projektkosten, indem Sie Code-Schwachstellen frühzeitig identifizieren.

Besorgen Sie sich eine detaillierte Überprüfung und Empfehlungen für Ihren Code von einem Team von Angular-Experten.

Angular Code-Audit

May 7 at 3 PM CEST


How to scale your product in Angular

Join our free webinar to discover tools, best practices, and techniques that will help you to scale your Angular team and speed up product development.

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When you scale your complex digital product, you have to add more features, more code and expect more users. If your developers get stuck fixing bugs and struggle with scaling up your app, then adding new developers to your project won’t increase your velocity. You have to work on scalability. And there is a simple way.

In this webinar, an Angular team lead leader with 8 years of experience will show you best practices, tools, and techniques that will help you to scale your Angular application.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

The possible reasons you can’t scale your app and how to identify them

Best Angular practices for scalability you should implement into your project

Angular architecture patterns to use for large applications

Ways to improve the productivity of your Angular team.

Our speakers

Przemek Leczycki

Angular Team Leader

For 8 years, Przemek has been managing a team of developers and helping them achieve their goals in the best possible way. He takes an active part in the community, writing expert articles, and sharing his knowledge at Angular meetups

Cornelius Kopec


Cornelius analyzes clients’ challenges in the context of developing their applications. He is responsible for building an Angular team with the right competencies to meet the business objectives and goals of the application.

Why us?

Years of experience

12 years of experience building Angular applications.

Dozens of international projects

More than 50+ completed software development projects worldwide. While working with clients, we also help optimize the development process of the in-house team.

Part of the developer community

We build the Angular developer community - We have won an award for Angular Hero of Education 2022 and Angular Hero of Community 2021.

Participation in the event is free

Every registered user will get the link to the webinar recording and additional bonuses. We encourage you to ask questions during the live transmission.