Ebook Release: The Ultimate Guide to Angular Evolution

4 months ago

House of Angular is proud to present its latest ebook: The Ultimate Guide to Angular Evolution. Have you developedan Angular project in the past? Are you aware of how Angular evolved over time? Do you keep your codebase up to date? 

Our ebook explains how the Angular framework evolved over time — and the important additions and improvements introduced in each version. We also go over the business benefits of keeping your codebase up to date, and provide commentary from expert developers. Finally, we describe the future of Angular — what features to expect, and what solutions will become possible in forthcoming versions.


A significant number of businesses develop and maintain their Angular projects without ever updating its fundamentals, the framework itself. We believe that’s a mistake — and our ebook’s goal is to change that mindset. Updating your Angular version brings immediate business benefits and allows your projects to leverage the potential of the entire framework.

In order to make the benefits of upgrading your Angular version more apparent, we structured the ebook around different challenges facing developers and project owners. Using accessible language, we provide a detailed technical explanation of how new Angular versions approach the problem. Afterwards, we discuss the business benefits of solving each challenge — from faster performance, through better user experience, to improved data safety.

The ebook also goes into detail about the recent major Angular releases. No matter which version your projects use, you can easily see the significant changes and improvements available to you. Then, you can identify the path forward for your own projects — or come up with entirely new solutions for your users.

The Ultimate Guide to Angular Evolution was written by House of Angular in close collaboration with the entire Angular.love community. It also contains contributions from experts and Google developers such as Fatima Amzil, Artur Androsovych, Aristeidis Bampakos, Balram Chavan, Luca Del Puppo, J. Alisa Duncan, Stefan Haas, Connie Leung, Dmytro Mezhenskyi, David Muellerchen, Marko Stanimirović.

Free ebook: The Ultimate Guide to Angular Evolution

Discover How Each Angular Version Impacts Efficiency, DX, UX and App Performance


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Famous for Getting Things Done™ in even the most extreme circumstances. Involved in the tech industry since 2010, her career took her from web development, through marketing, to mastery of all things editorial.