Why Angular is the best way to build your digital product

1 year ago
Why Angular is the best way to build your digital product

When your business needs a new digital product, it can be challenging to figure out where to get started. Especially if you don’t have an in-house team of available developers and need to outsource the entire development process.

Different software development agencies specialize in different front-end technologies. Some of them have developers create products from scratch. Yet, more often than not, businesses rely on frameworks to add simplicity and speed to the development process.

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for digital product development. Not only is it the framework released and supported by Google, but it also has the components and features that make it stand out from the competition. This is why Angular is chosen more and more by businesses.

In this article, we will explain what Angular is, the benefits of using Angular, what types of products Angular is best used for, and how to get a product built with Angular.

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source framework created by Google. Like any framework, it serves as a standard structure with which developers can build an application. It was released by Google in 2016, so it is a mature technology many applications are built on.

The team at Google is dedicated to working on the framework. They release a new Angular version every six months. And that doesn’t include the smaller updates that Angular developers can expect in the months between.

Angular should not be confused with AngularJS. Despite the similar name, the frameworks are actually quite different. AngularJS is an older Javascript framework that is not updated or supported anymore. 

Why Angular? Benefits of the Angular Framework

Using the Angular framework to build products is an advantage for your business because it directly benefits developers and the product development process. It is a reliable technology that contains libraries and developer tools with which developers can build usable, safe, and scalable applications.

Using Angular will reduce the time and costs spent on the product development process. Your product will be ready-to-use quicker. It will also have the reliability and scalability that the Angular ecosystem provides.

Speed of development

The speed of developing Angular applications is a major advantage. Developers are not creating the product from scratch but from a framework with many of components already in place. Angular gives the web development process a boost by providing many out-of-the-box elements. With Angular’s libraries and developer tools, developing applications is much quicker.

Angular developers don’t have to spend time thinking about things like the best way to carry out the routing or how to go about communication with backend servers. This is all provided by the framework, which enables developers to speed up the development time.

The quality and code consistency of the framework also means easy testing of every new app. Developers will know exactly what to test in order to ensure your product will work well and offer rich user experiences.

Additionally, Angular has built-in scripts for building an app that is instantly ready for launching. With these, the developer generates a new project and practically from the very beginning can start creating business logic, because the entire infrastructure around and all building blocks are provided. 

Since developers need less time to develop the app, overall costs will be reduced. You will get your product quickly and can begin achieving your business goals sooner

Performance and a good user experience

Angular apps being developed quickly doesn’t mean the performance of the app suffers. In fact, Angular helps create rich user experiences that keep users coming back to the app. Each Angular component has been built with great care by Google, which then translates to quality apps.

Angular apps have more functionalities that enable user interfaces to provide target users with a high-quality user experience. They also have built-in mechanisms that improve app performance and UX. These mechanisms include lazy loading, tree shaking, AOT compilation, minification, uglification, and more advanced concepts such as server-side rendering, prerendering, or ways to precisely control the frequency of re-rendering fragments of the application. 

All of this results in a high-performing application that you and your users can trust

Safe and reliable applications

The entire Angular framework was created and is continued to be worked on by Google Developer Experts. This means that all Angular applications are backed by Google. The framework will not be suddenly abandoned but consistently supported and improved. Applications built with Angular are by default, safe and reliable.

Google continues to improve Angular and any bugs or issues are addressed and fixed directly. Every six months, a new version of Angular is released with new features and Angular components. There are also smaller versions that the team releases throughout the year. These tackle anything from performance issues to safety concerns.

Building an application without a framework is not only time-consuming but also increases safety risks. This is because the degree of safety depends on the quality of developers, who can sometimes make a mistake, resulting in some common errors. Utilizing Angular takes care of that problem.

The Angular framework has been tested an immense amount of times by Google to ensure the safety of data in every Angular application. With Angular, you don’t have to worry about someone hacking your web and mobile apps and stealing your data because of an error in the code.

Open-source framework

Other frameworks also provide the benefit of reliable code, but what makes Angular special is Google’s support and the strong community that surrounds it. Angular is an open-source framework. That means Angular developers have tons of resources available to them, so if any challenge arises, they can easily find a solution. The community supports each other through webinars, meetups, and blogs where information is readily available to anyone who needs it. 

Angular.love is a popular space for the Angular community. They organize meetups, publish blog articles and provide a platform for all Angular enthusiasts. Numerous Google Developer Experts support Angular.love by attending meetups and writing articles for the blog.


Simple scalability

If your business grows and you need to scale your application, you don’t need to switch to a new technology. You will be able to scale it easily with Angular. This is majorly due to the code consistency of the Angular framework.

Another thing that makes Angular apps easy to scale is the structure of the code. Overall, Angular is a very structured framework that has order within every part of it. Any skilled Angular developer can take over in the future and scale your app to meet any new business needs.

Angular is also a very modular framework which means its test scripts are broken down into individual modes, or clusters, making it easy to scale

Lazy loading is another great feature of Angular, especially when it comes to large enterprise applications with a lot of routes. Thanks to the lazy loading feature, wherever an application is loading, so are all of its NgModules, and this helps the app perform well. This feature can be added at any time. So a smaller application that is being scaled into a larger one won’t suddenly be hard to maintain or cause the performance to worsen due to the size shift. Instead, it will continue to provide users with a high-quality experience of the app. 

Lower costs and easy maintenance

The unique thing about Angular applications is that once the app is built, any developer who knows how to use Angular can work on it and maintain it pretty much immediately. Since businesses often have different developer teams build apps and then other developers maintain them, this is a great benefit.

Businesses can save money on introducing and training developers on how the app works. If a developer knows Angular, they can maintain the app.

Angular has a consistent code, and framework structure and comes with a documentation style guide that enables developers to keep detailed documentation of the entire development process. Because of this, businesses and their Angular apps don’t suffer when they have to find or replace an Angular developer. This also means that high team rotation also won’t hurt the performance of the app. 

Is Angular good for both web and mobile apps?

We’ve covered all the great benefits of the Angular framework. Now let’s dive into the apps Angular works best with. What kind of apps can you build using Angular?

If your business needs anything such as:

  • an e-commerce website
  • a payment processing platform
  • a customer relationship management (CRM)
  • a content management system (CMS)
  • a publishing or banking website

Or any other solution that requires a complex system and a smooth, high-performing user experience, Angular is the technology for you. 

Angular is most commonly used for web development. This is because the framework has all the necessary components for web apps, so developers have all they need with just Angular. 

A very popular use of Angular is for large enterprise applications that require a complex system to be in place. This is because Angular is the perfect technology for large-scale systems. The framework’s architecture is component-based. It enables these large, complex apps to be easy to maintain and scale, and therefore trustworthy. 

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are also commonly built with Angular. These are web applications that are run similarly to mobile apps apart from the fact that they can be accessed from a browser instead of being downloaded from the app store. What sets PWAs apart is that users need to be able to access them offline, which is a feature that Angular can easily provide. Angular can also provide the speed and high performance that PWAs require, as well as a well-designed UI.

Apart from large enterprise applications and PWAs, Angular can be used for practically any web application. These include single-page applications, server-side rendered applications, and many more. 

Mobile apps can be built with Angular, but the development process will require a bit more work. The framework does not have all of the components needed to implement mobile interfaces and develop the app. However, any missing components can be supplemented and work successfully with the framework.

One way to develop an Angular mobile app is to additionally use Ionic, an enterprise mobile app platform. When paired with Angular, it works wonders for mobile apps. Another great tool developers can pair with Angular is NativeScript. 

Is building with Angular still a good idea in 2023?

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that Angular is a mature technology that has been around for quite some time. Since the IT world is constantly changing, the phrase “mature technology” is not only associated with reliability but often a worry that it might be outdated. However, that is not the case with Angular. 

Angular has passed the test of time. It has been quite some time since it was first released, and despite new trends, frameworks, and changing business needs, Angular remains one of the top frameworks. Businesses can trust that Angular will continue to be updated and supported because of the fact that Google is behind it. 

Instead of declining in popularity over the years like many technologies, Angular has been gaining in demand and is used to build more and more applications. Right now, Angular is used to build the largest number of important breakthrough solutions since its release. 

Google ensures that Angular is continually updated and follows the latest trends in technology so that businesses can rely on it to meet their business goals. They dedicate their resources to fixing any bugs and solving any challenges the framework faces so that businesses can continue to trust the framework. Every Angular update and new version has direct benefits to the business and user. 

Google is dedicated to Angular and will continue to support it long into the future. So not only is Angular a mature technology at the top of its game, but it will only continue to improve. 

How do you find Angular developers?

There are many Angular developers and teams out there with extensive experience in web and mobile apps, so the Angular world can be challenging to navigate. With so many experts available, how do you know which one is the best for your business? 

If your business is looking to hire an Angular developer to join your team, it’s important to ask them the right questions to fully understand their experience and skills. You need to be able to verify that they are qualified for the job. 

A good Angular developer should:

  • know how to work with the Angular architecture, including all available components and features, and how to create an architecture that is scalable 
  • have solid knowledge and a good understanding of pure Javascript/Typescript and the entire web environment (i.e. browser constraints, web APIs, communication protocols)
  • carry out testing and fix any bugs that appear
  • understand mechanisms built into Angular framework and how to use them correctly
  • create readable, understandable, testable and maintainable code
  • be aware of common pitfalls and avoids them
  • have soft skills that make him a team player who shares his knowledge, helps other Angular devs, communicates very well with other teams and experts
  • deliver the business value, is responsible, reliable, trustworthy

Additionally, a high-quality Angular Developer is ambitious, stays on top of any Angular news, and is involved in the Angular community. They will also know to ask their potential employer the right questions during a job interview. And the person interviewing candidates should be prepared to answer these questions. 

Outsourcing is also a great option for businesses, especially when it comes to the app development process. Angular Development Agencies will:

  • meet with you to discuss your business needs and goals,
  • send you a detailed offer, and
  • provide you with a ready-to-launch product within a short period of time.

Outsourcing is the quickest and simplest way to launch your Angular application. 

When researching Angular Development Agencies to outsource your product to, pay attention to their approach to your business and your users. 

A good Angular Development Agency:

  • has a wide portfolio of successful projects
  • has a team of experienced developers who stay up-to-date with trends, continually broaden their qualifications and apply the best available solutions 
  • builds the backend as well as the frontend
  • has hands-on experience with projects of various sizes and complexity 
  • employs UI/UX designers and project managers 
  • takes an active role in the Angular community by participating in the biggest Angular conferences and organizing their own Angular-related initiatives 
  • advises against using Angular if there are better solutions for your project 

All in all, trust your gut. If the communication is great from the beginning and you can see the value a team has brought to other clients in the past, chances are they will help you build the product that will satisfy your customers. 


Angular is a mature technology that is continually updated and supported by Google. It is a flexible and reliable framework with which applications can be developed quickly and then maintained with ease. More and more businesses are trusting Angular, and its popularity is steadily increasing. Each new version of Angular brings direct benefits to the business and users. Its ability to follow trends enables Angular to be one of the most popular frameworks. Many different applications can be built with the Angular framework, including large enterprise applications, PWAs, and mobile applications. 

Looking to outsource your angular application development?

Reach out to us. We would happily work with you on bringing product to life.

About the author


Content Manager

Klaudia is a content writer with years of experience in the IT industry. She is responsible for content on the HoA website and social media.